American Dissent

American Dissent is about the Ideals America stands for. "Truth, Justice and The American Way" as Superman would put it. It will also be about other random things that come up and how they relate. It will also include the occasional "puff piece" like movie reviews or good meals because those too are part of America.

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Location: Iowa, United States

Proud to be Liberal. Question everything.

Monday, September 27, 2010

A New Kind of Appalled

Disclaimer: I'm going to recommend people shooting themselves here, so if you are considering doing so for reasons not listed below please call someone and talk to them. If the person you call yells at you, says you're the "Spawn of Satan," but you haven't raped or killed anyone, it means you called the wrong person, you need better friends/relatives (both of which are available), don't kill yourself, and finally, make a different phone call. Sooner or later you'll find someone who will talk to you, and that person is likely someone who is a decent person. If your plan is to shoot yourself and you're planning a later shooting rampage (see below), well, I'm not sure I see the problem, unless you're not serious about the rampage part and are just using that as an excuse to shoot yourself.
End Disclaimer.

So tonight I see that Christine O'Donnell (I'm a candidate for Senate! And can see Russia from my house!) worked very hard on a "right to life" case in Delaware. I want to make something perfectly and very publicly clear. If I'm in what the doctors refer to as a "persistently vegetative state," I'd like a month, 30 days, then disconnect the tubes. If I'm still in there, I'd like to think I'm smart enough to rewire the damn thing (hey, it's not like I'll be working on super-string theory in there, I'll be going "okay, connect this to this and, okay yeah, that's fried, next connection?"). If I can't do it in that time frame, I'm not going to, and pull the damn plug.

For you "right to life"rs out there. Assuming I'm in such a situation and you think you'd like to step in, do me a favor. Shoot yourselves. All you're doing is prolonging suffering you cannot comprehend, extending the horror of the families you involve yourselves with, and oh yeah, sticking the rest of us with the bill.

Oh that's right, you want to defund medicare/medicaid, in which case, you're bankrupting the families involved, for something that stops the second the money runs out (which means when you've financially killed those families directly involved, and then killed the patient anyway because the plug gets pulled when no one paid the electric bill), or you want to keep medicare/caid, and want to bankrupt that. In either case, respect the wishes of the people and families involved, and their doctors, and shut the hell up.

As a corollary to this thought, for those people considering going on shooting rampages, take that shotgun you're planning to take on your rampage, stick it under your chin, making sure you have the top of your head lined up with the barrel, and pull the trigger. Assuming you lined it up correctly, and you survive that, then I guess God gave you a green light to go shoot the people you were after. If you're not sure you got the first shot right (it came out your ear or something) try it again. It will be obvious if you did it correctly.

Actually, if you're one of those people who is all "right to life," but is opposed to medicare/caid, just shoot yourself now. That stance says you don't care for a second about people who are alive, just ones who aren't (anymore or yet).

You are either for helping, children, those who can't fend for themselves, or are young or old enough, injured enough, or had something else through circumstance happen, that has made you dependent, or you are not. If you are for those things, then you are for medicare/caid. If you are not for medicare/caid (or a system that handles everyone, thereby improving that idea), then you are opposed to those things, and you cannot call yourself a "Christian," go read your Luke. Then go shoot yourself, because you obviously aren't following your teachings, and you're going to hell anyway, may as well speed things up.


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