American Dissent

American Dissent is about the Ideals America stands for. "Truth, Justice and The American Way" as Superman would put it. It will also be about other random things that come up and how they relate. It will also include the occasional "puff piece" like movie reviews or good meals because those too are part of America.

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Location: Iowa, United States

Proud to be Liberal. Question everything.

Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Trump Sucks

Let's start with the first thing. Guys? Do you wear makeup? I mean if you're going on TV, in the studio, sure. You're doing community theater (or you're a pro). yep. You're going golfing? uhhhh. When you make Hulk Hogan look a normal color, you've done something wrong, and folks, the Hulkster is looking pretty normal colored next to this guy.

Next, I can't wear one of my baseball hats anymore. Red hats are the new White Hood. Any questions? I don't care. The people wearing those and their "fuck the libs" shirts to this guys rallies have something wrong. If your enjoyment is the suffering of others, well, this ain't a place for you. You've abandoned being human.

By the way, when you abandon being human, well, that sky dude pulls out the Sodom and Gomorrah smiting crap. Also by the way, they didn't get blown up for buggery, they got blown up for refusing to help their fellow human (and I don't mean beggars, I mean Jim Crow). Also by the way, the expression "by the way" was originally a reference to the way of the Lord, so I'm using it quite correctly here, referencing the actions of the Judeo-Christian-Muslim God (also correct, it all comes out of Abraham, so all the same God, just different angles on the topic, and no, you're not going to change my mind, so don't even try).

And man I haven't even gotten to the guy aside from the makeup. Where to start with The Donald. How about with this. Donald Trump was born with a golden spoon in his mouth and when they pulled it back for his first bottle, he'd turned it to lead. He blew through billions of his fathers bankrupting casinos, and turned Atlantic City into a wasteland doing it.

He's pretty much every single thing you don't want your kids to be when they grew up. He's a loudmouthed idiot, who even when he probably knows what he's talking about (rarely), lies like a rug. You can't take a single word out of his mouth as true, sometimes it's going to be, but that's going to be happenstance.

I keep wondering who he's going to start a war with and nuke. My guess is Iran. He's already tried once (and while I don't miss Sulemani, let's call it what it was, a premeditated hit), and I'm sure he's going to try again. He's the most dangerous man on the planet because he has both the means and temperament to open Pandora's box back up. No one else has both.

I could keep rolling on this, but frankly, Rick Wilson is funnier, so go read his Twitter feed. And that's a lifelong Republican skewering Trump like he's making kabobs.

Have a good night, and I'm still pissed about my hat.


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