American Dissent

American Dissent is about the Ideals America stands for. "Truth, Justice and The American Way" as Superman would put it. It will also be about other random things that come up and how they relate. It will also include the occasional "puff piece" like movie reviews or good meals because those too are part of America.

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Location: Iowa, United States

Proud to be Liberal. Question everything.

Friday, April 21, 2006

Harry Potter and a quick trip to Hell

So it appears there is some random woman in Georgia who happens to be on a school board there and seems to think it is an imperative to see that Harry Potter is not included in the school library.

Welcome to Hell. I don't mean a metaphysical I've died and gone Hell, I mean a very real Hell. This is a place where ignorance and stupidity are the rule. This is a place where people are barred from learning how the physical world actually works because it disagrees with someone's religious view. This is a place where the residents of this special place on the planet will never have the opportunity to advance beyond where they are now because they have been blocked from learning the information that would move them to the next place.

Hell is real, and it is created on earth by religious zealots who think that there should be an exalted place on this earth above any other. It is created by people who beilieve in the inerrant word of God as given to them in the one of hundreds of different versions of the bible, NOT A SINGLE ONE OF WHICH AGREES WITH ANY OTHER.

That's right, NONE of them agree. What's worse, they seem to omit anything else which may contradict (see the Gospels of Judas, recently unearthed). If there is a more USELESS book in print, it was probably written by Ann Coulter (sorry Ann, Tailgunner Joe McCarthy was an anti-American piece of crap, and earned his place in ignominy, and by defending him, you've followed him right down the sewer of history as a name which is a curse). Where it has value is in the places it actually talks about things Jesus despised. The tossing of the money changers, usury, judge not lest ye be judged, let him who is without sin and all of that.

So in getting back to the original point, there's a woman who seems to think Harry Potter is the work of the devil because it's a story that includes magic. Lady, it's really unfortunate that you've already given birth because you are going to so fuck up the mind of your child that they will probably need to spend their entire adulthood in therapy to try to fix the pollution you will inject into their head. Until they go fully insane and murder four of their co-workers before shooting themself in the head.

So thank you for finding a way to create Hell on earth. Heaven on earth is a difficult concept, but Hell is easy. Just step on the brain of anyone who crosses your path and you're better than halfway there.