American Dissent

American Dissent is about the Ideals America stands for. "Truth, Justice and The American Way" as Superman would put it. It will also be about other random things that come up and how they relate. It will also include the occasional "puff piece" like movie reviews or good meals because those too are part of America.

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Location: Iowa, United States

Proud to be Liberal. Question everything.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Reasonably Pissed.

So I made the mistake of going to take a look at RedState (if you're reading this don't, you'll want to go shoot some crackers), and here's what I found.

"Darrell Issa gets clever against SOPA, Internet Sales Tax Looms" First, us liberal HATE SOPA, we're also not a fan of the Internet Sales Tax. Gee, we agree with the loonies, but no we don't. They don't like it because they're talking sales tax. We don't like it because of 1st and 4th Amendment issues. We'll agree on hating it, but so far as why, you're brick stupid.

"Why is Ron Paul Allowed to Continue Participating in Debates?" Are you imbeciles fucking serious? It's because he has 25% support from you assholes. Do us a favor and go shoot yourselves.

Who are the Democratic gun-grabbers in the US Senate? Let's find out!" Having been too damn close to a mass killing, I'd be right there with the gun grabbers. Someone pulls a gun? Let's make it so EVERYONE is packing heat. Well done you morons, you've recreated the movie version of the wild west. which didn't even happen in the actual wild west. Save us the trouble and again, go shoot yourselves.

"The Choice" OOOOhhhh, big government vs small government. See the second paragraph prior where you were inveighing against the only guy actually talking smaller government. You're stealing oxygen, go shoot yourselves.

"The 2012 Elec..." Oh lets get real. You're less than worthless drains on society and we'd be better off if you walked to the middle of I80 and shot yourselves. Yes, you'd cause a traffic jam and slow down transit, but who gives a shit? What you're doing to the country now is even worse. Fine the trucks are stopped for a day, but you're not screwing this up daily for the next 5 years? I can live with that. Honestly? Me and the 300 million people in this country who think you're full of crap would all do so.